POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

Rebuilding the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement Together Conference

SAVE THE DATES – April 11th & 12th 2025
Please register now at tinyurl.com/NoNukePNW, save the date, and
share with your group, friends, family, neighbors, etc.

Click for more conference info & tool kit

Save Our VA Presentation!

Save Our VA Presentation here!

Listen to leaders from the Save Our Veterans Administration National Project talk about what is happening to the VA under Trump and Musk. They talk about the cuts to health care staff and programs, and the escalation of efforts to privatize Veterans Health Administration. This is from the March 2025 regular membership meeting held on March 8th.

Documentary: What I Want You To Know

To mark the anniversary of the disastrous invasion of Iraq, Veterans For Peace presents a virtual screening of What I Want You To Know, an award-winning documentary produced by two veterans who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. The screening will be on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 4pm ET.  Register for the free screening at bit.ly/whatiwantmovie 

Military Families Speak Out and Servicemembers for Ceasefire are co-sponsors.

The film will be followed by a panel discussion featuring:

Matt Hoh
Veteran, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
Member, VFP Advisory Board

Travis Weiner
Veteran, Iraq War
Executive Producer, What I Want You To Know
Member, VFP

Catie Foertsch
Director, What I Want You To Know

And Special Guest Tom Morello
Guitarist, Singer/Songwriter
Member, VFP Advisory Board

Register for the free screening at bit.ly/whatiwantmovie

Please help VFP promote this important film, especially among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
Some easy ways to help:

  • Print 10 copies to post wherever Iraq and Afghanistan veterans might see it: churches, bars, laundromats, VFW and Legion posts, union halls, grocery stores, community colleges, universities
  • Talk with people where you post it
  • Invite them to a screening party on March 15 with your friends and fellow activists
  • Don’t just forward it on email…talk with people and urge them to watch it
  • Go to VFP’s instagram and facebook channels and forward it to friends and activists https://www.instagram.com/veteransforpeace/    https://www.facebook.com/veteransforpeace

Many thanks!

MLK March: 2025 March and Rally Information

What: 2025 March and Rally
Where: Garfield High School 400 23rd Ave, Seattle 98122
11:00 am for Indoor Rally
12:30 pm March Starts
VFP will meet along 23rd Ave across from Jefferson st no later than 12:15– Look for our flags and banner!

Cancel RIMPAC!

Veterans For Peace, Daniel Ellsberg Chapter92, Seattle endorses the Cancel RIMPAC campaign for the following reasons:

1– We agree that: ” …The US uses RIMPAC to strengthen the abilities of 26 of its allies’ militaries to wage wars of aggression around the world, as threats of war between major military powers continue to rise. Through weapons testing and war-making, defense contractors and fossil fuel corporations reap hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Meanwhile, our tax dollars are spent on war and occupation not on the basic housing, food, employment and healthcare needs of our communities. The US military occupation of Hawai’i is a violation of native Hawaiian sovereignty. RIMPAC leads to environmental destruction, violence against women, and a gross neglect of the day to day needs of people all over the world by advancing US-led wars.”

— from “What is RIMPAC” on the campaign website (https://www.resistusledwarmovement.com/cancel-rimpac.html)

Our mission as Veterans For Peace is to:

1— Increase public awareness of the causes and costs of war                                                                              

2– Restrain our governments from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations

3– Resist racism and repression in our home communities

4– Oppose the militarization of law enforcement

5– End the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons

6– Seek justice for veterans and victims of war

7– Abolish war as an instrument of national policy.

RIMPAC is on the wrong side of all of these.

The exercises themselves are addressed in # 1, 2, 5 and 7. The effects on the environment and people of weapons testing, pollution, military tourism and violation of local self-determination are addressed in # 3, 4 and 6.


Golden Rule: 2024 The Pacific Northwest


IMPORTANT UPDATE as of 7/27/2024
The Golden Rule’s arrival has been delayed because of mechanical problems and has been stuck in Eureka, CA, getting a new transmission. They plan to leave for Seattle now on Saturday, July 27. The expected arrival is now the 31st of July or the first of August.
We will update this event schedule as we get the new dates.


    • Sunday, July 28thCANCELED– Golden Rule Welcome Ceremony and Press Conference.
      This event may be rescheduled; stayed tuned for updates as we get progress reports from the crew as they travel North.
      Join us in welcoming the Golden Rule and its crew to Seattle at 5pm at Pier 62 on the Seattle downtown waterfront. Mayor proclamation, music, and greetings from the Seattle peace community will comprise the short program. Opportunity to see the boat and visit with the crew.
    • Tuesday, July 30th Protest the Navy Parade of Ships into Elliott Bay for Seafair. Join the Golden Rule on the water or on land to “welcome” the Navy bringing their militarize ships into Seattle and Seafair to entertain and recruit. Boats will go in at Noon at Bell Harbor; land protester meet at Pier 62 at 1pm.
    • Friday, August 9th Potluck and program about the Golden Rule.
      • Visit the Golden Rule from 1-5pm at Ivar’s Salmon House dock on north Lake Union.
      • Potluck starts at 6pm at the University Friends Meeting House (near the northwest side of the University Bridge),4001 – 9th Ave NE. Bring something to share and a drink.Dinnerware will be provided.
      • Program starts at 7pm. Learn about the Golden Rule through a short film and hearing from the ship’s crew and manager about its historic mission.
        Music provided by Seve & Kristi Nebel.
        Parking is limited at the facility; parking in the neighborhood to the West will require a walk of a block or two.

    Plan an event with the Golden Rule, dockside or elsewhere.

    Would your church group, book club, school group, summer camp, or neighborhood like to plan a visit or tour of the Golden Rule? Or have some of the crew come to your place for a program or picnic? Email us at mail.vfp92.org.

    Similarly, if you would like to go sailing on the Golden Rule there are opportunities during its visit for up to 4-6 people at a time. Email us and we will let you know date and times that the GR is available to take people sailing. mail@vfp92.org

    For more information about the Golden Rule, check out their website at: vfpgoldenruleproject.com .



Join VFP92 at 10am on Saturday, June 15, 2024, as we celebrate the legacy of Daniel Ellsberg and announce the renaming of our chapter in his honor.

Veteran For Peace Greater Seattle Chapter 92
is now
Veteran For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter 92, Seattle

This celebration is part of the Daniel Ellsberg Week, a week of education and action to honor peacemaking
and whistleblowing. It is co­sponsored by RootsAction Education Fund & The Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy.
The event will be on Zoom and will begin at 10:00 am with the renaming program and proclamation followed by a screening of the movie “The Most Dangerous Man in America”.

Join VFP92 on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at 10 am as we celebrate the legacy of Daniel Ellsberg and announce the renaming of our chapter in his honor.

The Zoom meeting info:
Meeting ID: 878 5458 0030
Passcode: 513539
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87854580030?pwd=Cq6cIydSa17jf86jffbN7AwQhbOiAa.1

Daniel Ellsberg was “the most dangerous man in America and he must
be stopped at all costs.”
­ Henry Kissinger

Event Leaflet: name change flyer

Tax Day to Earth Day: Events!

Sign up for an event April 15-22! Want to host your own? Go to http://tinyurl.com/TaxDaytoEarthDayOrganize

Care for People and Planet not Warfare
April 15, 2024 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Congressman Adam Smith’s office, 15 S Grady Way Bldg, Renton, WA 98057
10:30 am Wave your peace, climate and justice signs and send messages to Congressman Adam Smith to invest our taxes spent for education, health , & earth care, not military and war; abolish nuclear weapons 11:00 am Sing, chant, share speeches; then wave signs until noon. Questions? suggestions? Contact Earthcare not Warfare hosts, Beth or Mona, 207-898-5452, mona_lee@centurylink.net
Sign Up Now
Seattle Tax Day to Earth Day Event
April 16, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98174
Veterans For Peace, alongside the Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle, Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action, the Seattle Anti War Coalition, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, will be at the Federal Building in Seattle to demand that Congress disband efforts to spend over $2 trillion tax dollars to grow and rebuild the entire nuclear weapons arsenal and move the money to housing, health care and the climate crisis. Meet at noon near the southeast corner of the building, look for the banners.
Sign Up Now
TaxDay2EarthDay – It’s Your Tax Dollars
April 18, 2024 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM PT
Outside Issaquah City Hall, 130 E Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027
Community engagement to increase awareness of how our tax dollars are spent.
Sign Up Now
Meaningful Movie & panel: Move our money from war to protect our planet
April 18, 2024 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PT
on Zoom, On Zoom, Seattle, WA 98144
Meaningful Movies and South Seattle Climate Action Network will stream movie “Dear President Biden” Calling him to declare a climate emergency and take bold action protect our climate. Then panel “What can we do now to move our money from war to protect people and planet? Veterans for Peace, 350Seattle, Green New Deal leaders Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84322063054?pwd=UWxOQjJIUG53cS9ubXd0MWRHY2ZUZz09
Sign Up Now
April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT
Main Bothell Intersection, All 4 Corners NE Bothell Way (Hwy) And B All 4, Bothell, WA 98011
Holding signs at the corner of NE Bothell Way and Bothell Way NE. Put our tax dollars towards climate change solutions, not weapons, war, and destruction. Bring a sign or come as you are. Your sign tells what you’re passionate about – the money, the weapons, the Earth – or, all of these interrelated issues. Let me know if you’d like to get together to create more signs. WE, THE PEOPLE, CAN MAKE CHANGE!
Sign Up Now
April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Zoom link at ?, 2524 16th Ave S # 300, Seattle, WA 98144
Towards a Safer World is a zoom program featuring two long-time peacemakers in their opposition to nuclear weapons: Dr. Ira Helfand, a two-time winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with Physicians for Social Responsibility both internationally and in the US, and James Thomas, a dedicated advocate for nuclear disarmament speaking about the urgent task of citizens to demand nuclear disarmament.
Sign Up Now
Activating faith communities for climate justice
April 28, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM PT
First United Methodist Church of Seattle, 180 Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98109
A community discussion prompted by The Letter, a documentary film about the impact of climate change on people around the world and of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s encyclical on the climate crisis. Two faith leaders in the climate movement will share how faith communities are responding to the climate crisis. People are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. For more information and a link to register, visit https://firstchurchseattle.org/events/activating-faith-communities-for-climate-justice-meaningful-movies-at-first-church-seattle-sunday-april-28-at-noon/
Sign Up Now

Full List for Washington: https://secure.everyaction.com/p/VQ10Ljl-OkCrMbsYyAwFZg2

Washington Against Nuclear Weapons Coalition

Tax Day to Earth Day 2024

Join us to demand that our federal tax dollars go to housing, healthcare, and the climate crisis and not to wasteful nuclear weapons and an ever growing military budget!
12 noon to 1pm on April 16, 2024, at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle.
Sponsored by Veterans For Peace, Daniel Ellsberg Chapter, Seattle 92
Endorsed by

• Bayan
Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity
• Resist US Led Wars
• Seattle Democratic Socialists of America
• Seattle Anti War Coalition
• South Seattle Climate Action Network
• Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
• Washington Against Nuclear Weapons
• Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle
• Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action
• Lake Forest Park For Peace
• 350 Seattle
Leaflet to print:
fullleaflet4april16 new2