“It’s Time to Set the Record Straight. During America’s War in Vietnam, tens of thousands of GIs and veterans created a robust movement in opposition to the war. Yet its history is largely unknown…”
WHAT: An exhibit that focuses on individual and collective acts of resistance—marches, strikes, arrests, stockade revolts, mutinies and other actions by rank-and-file military personnel and returning veterans—which impaired the ability of the United States government to continue waging war in Viet Nam, thereby helping to bring it to an end. Related to the exhibit on the UW campus, there will be a rich selection of events.
WHERE: Exhibit on display at University of Washington, North Allen Lobby in Allen Library, just off Red Square
WHEN: Exhibit runs from September 28 through October 28, 2022.
Library hours are 9AM to 8PM Monday through Thursday
9AM to 5PM Friday
1PM to 8PM Sunday
closed Saturdays
RELATED EVENTS: The following events will coincide with this exhibition:
NW Soldiers and veterans who opposed the war CONFERENCE at 9:30AM to 5PM on October 6 in HUB Room 332 (the student union building). This conference will feature a morning panel discussion with actual GI war resisters in the Pacific Northwest, and afternoon panel discussions with representatives of civilian organizations who supported GI war resisters, and representatives of veterans’ organizations whose missions are to oppose war.
RECEPTION immediately after the conference until 7PM, in HUB Room 334.
WAR, PEACE, & RESISTANCE IN POETRY AND SONG at 6:30PM in HUB room 145: an evening of poetry and music celebrating resistance to war.
THURSDAY FILM SERIES on the UW Seattle campus (co-sponsored by Mt. Baker Meaningful Movies), Thomson room 101, at 6PM documenting the resistance movement by draftees, active duty personnel, and war veterans during the Vietnam War era:
Sir! No Sir! on October 13,
The FTA Show on October 20, and
The Boys Who Said NO on October 27
CONCURRENT EXHIBIT IN TACOMA Concurrent with the Seattle exhibit on the UW campus, there will be a related exhibit in Tacoma in the Collins Memorial Library at University of Puget Sound, titled “Dissent and Resistance Within the Military.” Sponsored by the Catharine Gould Chism Fund for the Humanities. For more information about this exhibit, contact Jane Carlin, UPS Librarian, (253) 879-3118, or jcarlin@pugetsound.edu. Members of the public are invited to visit the Collins Memorial Library to view the exhibition. Please visit this web link for the hours:
NW GI Resisters Panel Discussion in the Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 2PM-3:20PM, free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Catharine Gould Chism Fund for the Humanities and the Dept of History, UPS
STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST The Seattle Chapter of Veterans For Peace is sponsoring a student essay contest. There is a $500 prize, generously funded by the Howard Zinn fund of VFP. Essays of 500 to 650 words must relate to the exhibit Waging Peace in Viet Nam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War, or its related events. Deadline October 28, 2022. Pulitzer Prize photojournalist Nick Ut will select the winner.
For more information: https://wagingpeaceinvietnam.com/
Download and distribute the
updated 9_27.WPVN Master Flyer
Help Bring the Waging Peace in Vietnam Exhibit to Seattle
Attention Students! $500 Prize! Student Essay Contest
Waging Peace in Vietnam: What it means to me and its lessons for today:
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Editorial Team
Waging Peace In Vietnam: Coming to Seattle Sept 28 -Oct 28, 2022!
“It’s Time to Set the Record Straight. During America’s War in Vietnam, tens of thousands of GIs and veterans created a robust movement in opposition to the war. Yet its history is largely unknown…”
WHAT: An exhibit that focuses on individual and collective acts of resistance—marches, strikes, arrests, stockade revolts, mutinies and other actions by rank-and-file military personnel and returning veterans—which impaired the ability of the United States government to continue waging war in Viet Nam, thereby helping to bring it to an end. Related to the exhibit on the UW campus, there will be a rich selection of events.
WHERE: Exhibit on display at University of Washington, North Allen Lobby in Allen Library, just off Red Square
WHEN: Exhibit runs from September 28 through October 28, 2022.
Library hours are 9AM to 8PM Monday through Thursday
9AM to 5PM Friday
1PM to 8PM Sunday
closed Saturdays
RELATED EVENTS: The following events will coincide with this exhibition:
NW Soldiers and veterans who opposed the war CONFERENCE at 9:30AM to 5PM on October 6 in HUB Room 332 (the student union building). This conference will feature a morning panel discussion with actual GI war resisters in the Pacific Northwest, and afternoon panel discussions with representatives of civilian organizations who supported GI war resisters, and representatives of veterans’ organizations whose missions are to oppose war.
RECEPTION immediately after the conference until 7PM, in HUB Room 334.
WAR, PEACE, & RESISTANCE IN POETRY AND SONG at 6:30PM in HUB room 145: an evening of poetry and music celebrating resistance to war.
THURSDAY FILM SERIES on the UW Seattle campus (co-sponsored by Mt. Baker Meaningful Movies), Thomson room 101, at 6PM documenting the resistance movement by draftees, active duty personnel, and war veterans during the Vietnam War era:
Sir! No Sir! on October 13,
The FTA Show on October 20, and
The Boys Who Said NO on October 27
CONCURRENT EXHIBIT IN TACOMA Concurrent with the Seattle exhibit on the UW campus, there will be a related exhibit in Tacoma in the Collins Memorial Library at University of Puget Sound, titled “Dissent and Resistance Within the Military.” Sponsored by the Catharine Gould Chism Fund for the Humanities. For more information about this exhibit, contact Jane Carlin, UPS Librarian, (253) 879-3118, or jcarlin@pugetsound.edu. Members of the public are invited to visit the Collins Memorial Library to view the exhibition. Please visit this web link for the hours:
NW GI Resisters Panel Discussion in the Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 2PM-3:20PM, free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Catharine Gould Chism Fund for the Humanities and the Dept of History, UPS
STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST The Seattle Chapter of Veterans For Peace is sponsoring a student essay contest. There is a $500 prize, generously funded by the Howard Zinn fund of VFP. Essays of 500 to 650 words must relate to the exhibit Waging Peace in Viet Nam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War, or its related events. Deadline October 28, 2022. Pulitzer Prize photojournalist Nick Ut will select the winner.
For more information: https://wagingpeaceinvietnam.com/
Download and distribute the
updated 9_27.WPVN Master Flyer
Help Bring the Waging Peace in Vietnam Exhibit to Seattle
Attention Students! $500 Prize! Student Essay Contest
Waging Peace in Vietnam: What it means to me and its lessons for today:
Contest info (pdf)
Category: Events, Vietnam Full Disclosure
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
VFP92 members meet as a chapter on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us: info@vfp92.org
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
Past shows can be listened to from the KODX website at http://kodxseattle.org/seattlevfp/
You can subscribe with your favorite app at http://kodxseattle.org/category/seattlevfp/feed
CALL 1-877-447-4487
The Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation
World Beyond War - USA's Military Empire: A Visual Database
World Beyond War Peace Pledge Signers
VA Claims for Mesothelioma Guide
Veteran Housing Assistance
Best Jobs for Returning Service Members