Sign up for an event April 15-22! Want to host your own? Go to
Care for People and Planet not Warfare
April 15, 2024 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Congressman Adam Smith’s office, 15 S Grady Way Bldg, Renton, WA 98057
10:30 am Wave your peace, climate and justice signs and send messages to Congressman Adam Smith to invest our taxes spent for education, health , & earth care, not military and war; abolish nuclear weapons 11:00 am Sing, chant, share speeches; then wave signs until noon. Questions? suggestions? Contact Earthcare not Warfare hosts, Beth or Mona, 207-898-5452,
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Seattle Tax Day to Earth Day Event
April 16, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98174
Veterans For Peace, alongside the Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle, Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action, the Seattle Anti War Coalition, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, will be at the Federal Building in Seattle to demand that Congress disband efforts to spend over $2 trillion tax dollars to grow and rebuild the entire nuclear weapons arsenal and move the money to housing, health care and the climate crisis. Meet at noon near the southeast corner of the building, look for the banners.
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TaxDay2EarthDay – It’s Your Tax Dollars
April 18, 2024 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM PT
Outside Issaquah City Hall, 130 E Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027
Community engagement to increase awareness of how our tax dollars are spent.
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Meaningful Movie & panel: Move our money from war to protect our planet
April 18, 2024 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PT
on Zoom, On Zoom, Seattle, WA 98144
Meaningful Movies and South Seattle Climate Action Network will stream movie “Dear President Biden” Calling him to declare a climate emergency and take bold action protect our climate. Then panel “What can we do now to move our money from war to protect people and planet? Veterans for Peace, 350Seattle, Green New Deal leaders Zoom link:
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April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT
Main Bothell Intersection, All 4 Corners NE Bothell Way (Hwy) And B All 4, Bothell, WA 98011
Holding signs at the corner of NE Bothell Way and Bothell Way NE. Put our tax dollars towards climate change solutions, not weapons, war, and destruction. Bring a sign or come as you are. Your sign tells what you’re passionate about – the money, the weapons, the Earth – or, all of these interrelated issues. Let me know if you’d like to get together to create more signs. WE, THE PEOPLE, CAN MAKE CHANGE!
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April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Zoom link at ?, 2524 16th Ave S # 300, Seattle, WA 98144
Towards a Safer World is a zoom program featuring two long-time peacemakers in their opposition to nuclear weapons: Dr. Ira Helfand, a two-time winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with Physicians for Social Responsibility both internationally and in the US, and James Thomas, a dedicated advocate for nuclear disarmament speaking about the urgent task of citizens to demand nuclear disarmament.
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Activating faith communities for climate justice
April 28, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM PT
First United Methodist Church of Seattle, 180 Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98109
A community discussion prompted by The Letter, a documentary film about the impact of climate change on people around the world and of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s encyclical on the climate crisis. Two faith leaders in the climate movement will share how faith communities are responding to the climate crisis. People are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. For more information and a link to register, visit
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Full List for Washington:

Posted: April 13, 2024 by TPete Schoonmaker
Tax Day to Earth Day: Events!
Sign up for an event April 15-22! Want to host your own? Go to
Care for People and Planet not Warfare
April 15, 2024 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Congressman Adam Smith’s office, 15 S Grady Way Bldg, Renton, WA 98057
10:30 am Wave your peace, climate and justice signs and send messages to Congressman Adam Smith to invest our taxes spent for education, health , & earth care, not military and war; abolish nuclear weapons 11:00 am Sing, chant, share speeches; then wave signs until noon. Questions? suggestions? Contact Earthcare not Warfare hosts, Beth or Mona, 207-898-5452,
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Seattle Tax Day to Earth Day Event
April 16, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98174
Veterans For Peace, alongside the Fellowship of Reconciliation Seattle, Ground Zero for Nonviolent Action, the Seattle Anti War Coalition, Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, will be at the Federal Building in Seattle to demand that Congress disband efforts to spend over $2 trillion tax dollars to grow and rebuild the entire nuclear weapons arsenal and move the money to housing, health care and the climate crisis. Meet at noon near the southeast corner of the building, look for the banners.
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TaxDay2EarthDay – It’s Your Tax Dollars
April 18, 2024 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM PT
Outside Issaquah City Hall, 130 E Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027
Community engagement to increase awareness of how our tax dollars are spent.
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Meaningful Movie & panel: Move our money from war to protect our planet
April 18, 2024 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PT
on Zoom, On Zoom, Seattle, WA 98144
Meaningful Movies and South Seattle Climate Action Network will stream movie “Dear President Biden” Calling him to declare a climate emergency and take bold action protect our climate. Then panel “What can we do now to move our money from war to protect people and planet? Veterans for Peace, 350Seattle, Green New Deal leaders Zoom link:
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April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT
Main Bothell Intersection, All 4 Corners NE Bothell Way (Hwy) And B All 4, Bothell, WA 98011
Holding signs at the corner of NE Bothell Way and Bothell Way NE. Put our tax dollars towards climate change solutions, not weapons, war, and destruction. Bring a sign or come as you are. Your sign tells what you’re passionate about – the money, the weapons, the Earth – or, all of these interrelated issues. Let me know if you’d like to get together to create more signs. WE, THE PEOPLE, CAN MAKE CHANGE!
Sign Up Now
April 20, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Zoom link at ?, 2524 16th Ave S # 300, Seattle, WA 98144
Towards a Safer World is a zoom program featuring two long-time peacemakers in their opposition to nuclear weapons: Dr. Ira Helfand, a two-time winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with Physicians for Social Responsibility both internationally and in the US, and James Thomas, a dedicated advocate for nuclear disarmament speaking about the urgent task of citizens to demand nuclear disarmament.
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Activating faith communities for climate justice
April 28, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM PT
First United Methodist Church of Seattle, 180 Denny Way, Seattle, WA 98109
A community discussion prompted by The Letter, a documentary film about the impact of climate change on people around the world and of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s encyclical on the climate crisis. Two faith leaders in the climate movement will share how faith communities are responding to the climate crisis. People are welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. For more information and a link to register, visit
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Full List for Washington:
Category: Uncategorized
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
VFP92 members meet as a chapter on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
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