POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

Documentary: What I Want You To Know

To mark the anniversary of the disastrous invasion of Iraq, Veterans For Peace presents a virtual screening of What I Want You To Know, an award-winning documentary produced by two veterans who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. The screening will be on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 4pm ET.  Register for the free screening at bit.ly/whatiwantmovie 

Military Families Speak Out and Servicemembers for Ceasefire are co-sponsors.

The film will be followed by a panel discussion featuring:

Matt Hoh
Veteran, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
Member, VFP Advisory Board

Travis Weiner
Veteran, Iraq War
Executive Producer, What I Want You To Know
Member, VFP

Catie Foertsch
Director, What I Want You To Know

And Special Guest Tom Morello
Guitarist, Singer/Songwriter
Member, VFP Advisory Board

Register for the free screening at bit.ly/whatiwantmovie

Please help VFP promote this important film, especially among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
Some easy ways to help:

  • Print 10 copies to post wherever Iraq and Afghanistan veterans might see it: churches, bars, laundromats, VFW and Legion posts, union halls, grocery stores, community colleges, universities
  • Talk with people where you post it
  • Invite them to a screening party on March 15 with your friends and fellow activists
  • Don’t just forward it on email…talk with people and urge them to watch it
  • Go to VFP’s instagram and facebook channels and forward it to friends and activists https://www.instagram.com/veteransforpeace/    https://www.facebook.com/veteransforpeace

Many thanks!