Veterans working together for peace & justice through non-violence. Wage Peace!
Chapter Bylaws
BYLAWS PDF document
The name of this organization shall be Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter 92, Seattle, a local chapter of National Veterans for Peace, Inc. [Referred to below as VFP 92]
We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end, we will work with other individuals and organizations to:
Increase public awareness of the causes and costs of war,
Restrain our governments from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations,
Resist racism and repression in our home communities,
Oppose the militarization of law enforcement,
End the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons, and
Seek justice for veterans, their families and victims of war,
Abolish war as an instrument of national policy.
To achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use non-violent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.
We urge all people who share this vision to join us.
Definition of “MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING”: a person who subscribes to the purpose, goals and ideas of Veterans For Peace, Chapter 92, and is current on his or her National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 1. Full Membership
Full Members of VFP 92 shall be veterans of the Armed Forces of the U. S., or veterans of the Armed Forces of foreign nations who reside in the U. S. They may also be Merchant Marines or other U.S. citizens who have served in a professional capacity with or in service to the Armed Forces of the U.S. in an area and during a period of war, conflict or other hostile activity. Full Members must subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92 and pay National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues. Eligibility for Full Membership shall be determined by additional rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Associate Membership
Associate Members of VFP 92 shall be members who are not veterans, but who subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92 and pay National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 3. Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be conferred on the recommendation, in writing, of at least two Full Members, the approval of a majority vote of the National Board of Directors, and a majority vote of Full Members attending the National Convention. Honorary Membership shall carry none of the obligations of the organization, but shall entitle the holder to all the privileges except those of holding national office. Honorary Members must subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92.
Section 4. Membership may not be denied because of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or any other discriminatory practice.
Section 5. The National Board of Directors has the authority to restrict or expel from membership a person when, in their judgment, admission would be inconsistent with the purposes, principles, objectives or goals and ideals of Veterans For Peace, Inc. The National Board of Directors shall state their reasons for any action under this section to the annual convention. Any action under this section may be appealed to the national convention.
Section 1. All Full and Associate Memberships are contingent on the payment, in advance, of fixed annual dues set by the National Board of Directors. The National Board of Directors shall have the authority to set rules for waiver of dues in situations it deems appropriate.
Section 2. VFP 92 has no authority to waive National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 3. In order to maintain chapter status, at least ten members of VFP 92 shall be dues paying members of National Veterans For Peace.
Section 1. Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors At-Large.
Section 2. Term of Office
A full term of office of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer shall be one year, from January 1 through December 31. The At-Large Directors shall serve three year terms, which shall be staggered, such that a new At-Large Director is elected each year.
Section 3. General Responsibilities
a) The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is to serve the needs of its membership and help members achieve the goals of the organization.
b) The management of VFP 92 shall be conducted through the Board of Directors
c) Board approval is required for the following:
1. Public displays of chapter opinion.
2. Written and oral statements made public as representing those of VFP 92.
Section 4a. Removal of a Director
A request to remove a Director must be initiated through a written petition for removal signed by 10% or more of the members listed on the current chapter roster. The petition must contain legibly printed names and signatures and be submitted to the Board for membership verification. If verified, the petition will be presented for approval to the Chapter at the next General Membership Meeting. A copy of the petition must be sent to all members at least ten calendar days prior to the next General Membership Meeting. A 60%
vote of members present constitutes approval of the petition and the Director is immediately removed from office. All members must be notified in writing of the outcome of the vote.
Section 4b. Vacancies
Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled via election at the next General Membership Meeting
Section 5. Quorum
A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. Meetings
The Board of Directors shall hold a regularly scheduled meeting at least quarterly on a date determined by the Board. The President or any two Directors may call special meetings of the Board. The Secretary will notify chapter members four days in advance of any meeting of the Board.
Section 7. Open Meetings
Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the membership. Meetings may be closed when discussing issues involving personnel, litigation, contractual negotiations or similar matters. When a meeting is closed, the reason shall be recorded.
Section 8. Open Meeting Records
The Board of Directors shall maintain minutes of their meetings. The book of minutes for the prior six months shall be available to members at all chapter meetings.
Section 1. Office and Terms
The officers of the Chapter shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office shall be January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year following their election.
Section 2. President
The President shall be the chairperson of the Board of Directors and an ex-officio member of all Action Teams. The President shall preside at all Chapter meetings and shall not vote except to break a tie. The President must be a Full member in good standing.
Section 3. Vice President
The Vice President shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in the event of the President’s absence, including acting as chairperson of the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Vice President must be a Full member in good standing.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep the minutes for Chapter and for Board of Director meetings. The Secretary shall also see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws. The Secretary shall keep a register of the mailing addresses of all Full, Associate and Honorary Members of the Chapter. The Secretary also performs such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Secretary must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of VFP 92 and such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Treasurer shall submit a monthly Treasurer’s Report to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 6. Directors At-Large
The Directors At-Large must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 1. Call for Nominations
The October membership meeting will make a call for nominations. The November meeting will repeat the call for nominations. All nominees shall be members in good standing and should express a willingness to serve before being nominated.
Section 2. Voting
Following the second call for nominations in November, members will elect Officers and the Director/s At-Large for the ensuing year.
Section 1. Rather than utilize Standing Committees, VFP 92 will function principally through Action Teams. Each team will be tasked with organizing, coordinating and directing a specific function or specific types of tasks or functions.
Section 2. Appointment: Action Teams will be appointed by the Presiding Officer and/or the Board of Directors and may be dissolved at any time by same.
Section 3. Term: Action Teams may be assigned to an event or task that is short term in duration or may be assigned ongoing tasks or functions. Action Teams will dissolve at year-end and be recreated as desired by the incoming Board of Directors.
Section 4. Team composition: The Action Team will be comprised of those who have an interest in a specific event or function or those who have a special talent/skill/connection to make an event or function successful. Each team will consist of three or more members and have a single leader who will act as liaison with the Board of Directors and report monthly at the General Membership Meeting.
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Veterans for Peace, Greater Seattle, Chapter 92, shall have a monthly scheduled General Membership Meeting.
Section 2. Quorum
A quorum shall be the number of members attending a General Membership Meeting.
Section 3. Agenda
a) Agenda items shall be submitted to the Secretary seven days prior to General Membership Meetings. The Secretary will inform all members of the Agenda at least four days prior to meetings.
b) Items not on the Agenda are invited. They may be introduced under New Business at any General Membership Meeting.
Section 4. Voting
Each Full, Associate or Honorary member in good standing present, shall be entitled to one vote on matters coming before the General Membership Meeting.
Section 5. Proxy Voting
Proxy votes are permitted when:
a) Absent members in good standing assign their proxy to another voting member.
b) The proxies are assigned in writing.
c) The written proxy specifies each topic it authorizes the designee to vote upon.
Section 6. Governing Authority
a) At General Membership Meetings, Directors act as members, with no authority deriving from their office.
b) The Presiding Officer guides and facilitates the meeting.
Section 7. Meeting Format
In general, VFP 92 meetings will be conducted using an informal “consensus” format, wherein issues will be decided by allowing all perspectives to be heard. Ideally, issues will be addressed by members as problems to be solved rather than as positions to be defended or attacked. Exceptions to consensus format are as follows:
a) At any time during a consensus discussion, any member may motion to switch from consensus to the more formal Robert’s Rules format on the issue being discussed. In order for this motion to be adopted, it must be immediately seconded by another member. If seconded, the members will immediately vote on the motion. A simple majority rules. If passed, the issue at question will be debated under Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition. If the motion fails, consensus continues.
b) At any time during consensus discussion, the Presiding Officer may switch to Robert’s Rules by simply so declaring.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must approve any proposed amendments by a simple majority vote and present them in writing to the next Chapter meeting. A majority vote of Full and Associate members present then constitutes full ratification.
Section 2. If the Board of Directors does not approve a proposed amendment, Directors must submit it to the next Chapter meeting as not approved. A sixty percent super-majority of Full and Associate members present will then constitute full ratification.
Veterans for Peace, Greater Seattle, Chapter 92 shall be structured and operated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Charter documents and a copy of these Bylaws must be filed with the Corporations Division, Washington Secretary of State.
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Chapter Bylaws
PDF document
The name of this organization shall be Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter 92, Seattle, a local chapter of National Veterans for Peace, Inc. [Referred to below as VFP 92]
We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end, we will work with other individuals and organizations to:
To achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use non-violent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.
We urge all people who share this vision to join us.
Definition of “MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING”: a person who subscribes to the purpose, goals and ideas of Veterans For Peace, Chapter 92, and is current on his or her National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 1. Full Membership
Full Members of VFP 92 shall be veterans of the Armed Forces of the U. S., or veterans of the Armed Forces of foreign nations who reside in the U. S. They may also be Merchant Marines or other U.S. citizens who have served in a professional capacity with or in service to the Armed Forces of the U.S. in an area and during a period of war, conflict or other hostile activity. Full Members must subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92 and pay National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues. Eligibility for Full Membership shall be determined by additional rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Associate Membership
Associate Members of VFP 92 shall be members who are not veterans, but who subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92 and pay National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 3. Honorary Membership
Honorary Membership may be conferred on the recommendation, in writing, of at least two Full Members, the approval of a majority vote of the National Board of Directors, and a majority vote of Full Members attending the National Convention. Honorary Membership shall carry none of the obligations of the organization, but shall entitle the holder to all the privileges except those of holding national office. Honorary Members must subscribe to the purpose, goals and ideals of VFP 92.
Section 4. Membership may not be denied because of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or any other discriminatory practice.
Section 5. The National Board of Directors has the authority to restrict or expel from membership a person when, in their judgment, admission would be inconsistent with the purposes, principles, objectives or goals and ideals of Veterans For Peace, Inc. The National Board of Directors shall state their reasons for any action under this section to the annual convention. Any action under this section may be appealed to the national convention.
Section 1. All Full and Associate Memberships are contingent on the payment, in advance, of fixed annual dues set by the National Board of Directors. The National Board of Directors shall have the authority to set rules for waiver of dues in situations it deems appropriate.
Section 2. VFP 92 has no authority to waive National Veterans For Peace, Inc., dues.
Section 3. In order to maintain chapter status, at least ten members of VFP 92 shall be dues paying members of National Veterans For Peace.
Section 1. Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors At-Large.
Section 2. Term of Office
A full term of office of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer shall be one year, from January 1 through December 31. The At-Large Directors shall serve three year terms, which shall be staggered, such that a new At-Large Director is elected each year.
Section 3. General Responsibilities
a) The primary responsibility of the Board of Directors is to serve the needs of its membership and help members achieve the goals of the organization.
b) The management of VFP 92 shall be conducted through the Board of Directors
c) Board approval is required for the following:
1. Public displays of chapter opinion.
2. Written and oral statements made public as representing those of VFP 92.
Section 4a. Removal of a Director
A request to remove a Director must be initiated through a written petition for removal signed by 10% or more of the members listed on the current chapter roster. The petition must contain legibly printed names and signatures and be submitted to the Board for membership verification. If verified, the petition will be presented for approval to the Chapter at the next General Membership Meeting. A copy of the petition must be sent to all members at least ten calendar days prior to the next General Membership Meeting. A 60%
vote of members present constitutes approval of the petition and the Director is immediately removed from office. All members must be notified in writing of the outcome of the vote.
Section 4b. Vacancies
Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled via election at the next General Membership Meeting
Section 5. Quorum
A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6. Meetings
The Board of Directors shall hold a regularly scheduled meeting at least quarterly on a date determined by the Board. The President or any two Directors may call special meetings of the Board. The Secretary will notify chapter members four days in advance of any meeting of the Board.
Section 7. Open Meetings
Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the membership. Meetings may be closed when discussing issues involving personnel, litigation, contractual negotiations or similar matters. When a meeting is closed, the reason shall be recorded.
Section 8. Open Meeting Records
The Board of Directors shall maintain minutes of their meetings. The book of minutes for the prior six months shall be available to members at all chapter meetings.
Section 1. Office and Terms
The officers of the Chapter shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office shall be January 1 through December 31 of the calendar year following their election.
Section 2. President
The President shall be the chairperson of the Board of Directors and an ex-officio member of all Action Teams. The President shall preside at all Chapter meetings and shall not vote except to break a tie. The President must be a Full member in good standing.
Section 3. Vice President
The Vice President shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President in the event of the President’s absence, including acting as chairperson of the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Vice President must be a Full member in good standing.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep the minutes for Chapter and for Board of Director meetings. The Secretary shall also see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws. The Secretary shall keep a register of the mailing addresses of all Full, Associate and Honorary Members of the Chapter. The Secretary also performs such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Secretary must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 5. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of VFP 92 and such other duties as may be prescribed by the President. The Treasurer shall submit a monthly Treasurer’s Report to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 6. Directors At-Large
The Directors At-Large must be a Full or Associate member in good standing.
Section 1. Call for Nominations
The October membership meeting will make a call for nominations. The November meeting will repeat the call for nominations. All nominees shall be members in good standing and should express a willingness to serve before being nominated.
Section 2. Voting
Following the second call for nominations in November, members will elect Officers and the Director/s At-Large for the ensuing year.
Section 1. Rather than utilize Standing Committees, VFP 92 will function principally through Action Teams. Each team will be tasked with organizing, coordinating and directing a specific function or specific types of tasks or functions.
Section 2. Appointment: Action Teams will be appointed by the Presiding Officer and/or the Board of Directors and may be dissolved at any time by same.
Section 3. Term: Action Teams may be assigned to an event or task that is short term in duration or may be assigned ongoing tasks or functions. Action Teams will dissolve at year-end and be recreated as desired by the incoming Board of Directors.
Section 4. Team composition: The Action Team will be comprised of those who have an interest in a specific event or function or those who have a special talent/skill/connection to make an event or function successful. Each team will consist of three or more members and have a single leader who will act as liaison with the Board of Directors and report monthly at the General Membership Meeting.
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Veterans for Peace, Greater Seattle, Chapter 92, shall have a monthly scheduled General Membership Meeting.
Section 2. Quorum
A quorum shall be the number of members attending a General Membership Meeting.
Section 3. Agenda
a) Agenda items shall be submitted to the Secretary seven days prior to General Membership Meetings. The Secretary will inform all members of the Agenda at least four days prior to meetings.
b) Items not on the Agenda are invited. They may be introduced under New Business at any General Membership Meeting.
Section 4. Voting
Each Full, Associate or Honorary member in good standing present, shall be entitled to one vote on matters coming before the General Membership Meeting.
Section 5. Proxy Voting
Proxy votes are permitted when:
a) Absent members in good standing assign their proxy to another voting member.
b) The proxies are assigned in writing.
c) The written proxy specifies each topic it authorizes the designee to vote upon.
Section 6. Governing Authority
a) At General Membership Meetings, Directors act as members, with no authority deriving from their office.
b) The Presiding Officer guides and facilitates the meeting.
Section 7. Meeting Format
In general, VFP 92 meetings will be conducted using an informal “consensus” format, wherein issues will be decided by allowing all perspectives to be heard. Ideally, issues will be addressed by members as problems to be solved rather than as positions to be defended or attacked. Exceptions to consensus format are as follows:
a) At any time during a consensus discussion, any member may motion to switch from consensus to the more formal Robert’s Rules format on the issue being discussed. In order for this motion to be adopted, it must be immediately seconded by another member. If seconded, the members will immediately vote on the motion. A simple majority rules. If passed, the issue at question will be debated under Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition. If the motion fails, consensus continues.
b) At any time during consensus discussion, the Presiding Officer may switch to Robert’s Rules by simply so declaring.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must approve any proposed amendments by a simple majority vote and present them in writing to the next Chapter meeting. A majority vote of Full and Associate members present then constitutes full ratification.
Section 2. If the Board of Directors does not approve a proposed amendment, Directors must submit it to the next Chapter meeting as not approved. A sixty percent super-majority of Full and Associate members present will then constitute full ratification.
Veterans for Peace, Greater Seattle, Chapter 92 shall be structured and operated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Charter documents and a copy of these Bylaws must be filed with the Corporations Division, Washington Secretary of State.
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
VFP92 members meet as a chapter on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
Past shows can be listened to from the KODX website at
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CALL 1-877-447-4487
GI Bill
Facts & Eligibility