Veterans working together for peace & justice through non-violence. Wage Peace!
Chapter Name Change
“Once in a while, someone with courage and a conscience rises from obscurity to change the course of history. Daniel Ellsberg was one of those people.”
On June 15th, 2024, VFP Chapter 92 held an online ceremony to rename the chapter in honor of Daniel Ellsberg.
It is hard to think of anyone in the last century who has made more of a sacrifice for peace, stood against the war machine, wrote about the existential danger of nuclear weapons, and was willing to be arrested over and over again for peace and justice.
Besides exposing the Pentagon Papers and nuclear secrets in his writings, Daniel was a veteran of the war in Viet Nam, a member of Veterans For Peace, and was a long time member of VFP Advisory Board.
This chapter is honored and challenged to have our name changed to Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter 92, Seattle.
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Chapter Name Change
On June 15th, 2024, VFP Chapter 92 held an online ceremony to rename the chapter in honor of Daniel Ellsberg.
It is hard to think of anyone in the last century who has made more of a sacrifice for peace, stood against the war machine, wrote about the existential danger of nuclear weapons, and was willing to be arrested over and over again for peace and justice.
Besides exposing the Pentagon Papers and nuclear secrets in his writings, Daniel was a veteran of the war in Viet Nam, a member of Veterans For Peace, and was a long time member of VFP Advisory Board.
This chapter is honored and challenged to have our name changed to Veterans For Peace Daniel Ellsberg Chapter 92, Seattle.
Additional Links
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
VFP92 members meet as a chapter on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
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The Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation
World Beyond War - USA's Military Empire: A Visual Database
World Beyond War Peace Pledge Signers
VA Claims for Mesothelioma Guide
Veteran Housing Assistance
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