POB 31947, Seattle, WA 98103 info@vfp92.org

VFP Member at Solidarity School, August 21

8/21/ 22 International League of Peoples Struggle at Seattle U A VFP92 member Tabled with WPiVM master leaflet and essay contest leaflet+ the basic layout for school counter-recruiting. He attended 2 workshops, AM about the campaign against Boeing,… Read More

Community News: Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony, September 21–West Seattle

“West Seattle Rotary Club Peacebuiding Committee will be installing and having our next Peace Pole Dedication Ceremony on Wednesday, September 21, at 11:30 am, at C&P Coffee Company on California Ave.  9/21 is United Nations International Day of… Read More

Seattle Rally for Nuclear Abolition

Join Citizens for the Universal Abolition of Nuclear Weapons at noon on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle for a march to and rally at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building where we will… Read More

Peace activists to meet the U.S. Navy fleet on Monday, August 1, in Elliott Bay

“Local activists will stage a water-based nonviolent protest against the glorification of weapons of war at the Seattle Seafair festival. Peace activists will meet the U.S. Navy fleet in Elliott Bay. Other peace activists will meet on the… Read More

From Hiroshima To Hope Every August 6th

“76th Anniversary Remembrance” “From Hiroshima to Hope is planning to once again hold our annual commemoration of the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at Green Lake in Seattle on August 6, 2021. We are carefully monitoring COVID… Read More

Waging Peace In Vietnam: Coming to Seattle Sept 28 -Oct 28, 2022!

“It’s Time to Set the Record Straight. During America’s War in Vietnam, tens of thousands of GIs and veterans created a robust movement in opposition to the war. Yet its history is largely unknown…” WHAT: An exhibit that… Read More

From Hiroshima To Hope Every August 6th….VFP92 summer picnic

On Friday, August 6, candle-lit lanterns will once again float across Green Lake at From Hiroshima to Hope, Seattle’s annual peace event honoring the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all victims of war… Read More

Global Day Of Solidarity Seattle – No War On Iran

  2pm Saturday Westlake Park Seattle