March 26: March and Rally @ Boeing!
Resist US-led war and climate destruction! Cut ties with War Profiteers! Resist Boeing’s War Production!
Opposition to war is both an international and a local struggle. Imperialism (a system linking political/military domination and capitalist super-exploitation) is the source of war and oppression in today’s world. The United States is the number one imperialist warmaker and oppressor. The U.S. military is the number one institutional carbon polluter in the world. The war industry is the supply chain and a key beneficiary of all this horror, serving a system in deepening crisis.
Boeing, a leading war industry corporation, is both a local and a global parasite. While it sows death and destruction abroad, it produces pollution, job loss, and corruption in the U.S.. We must fight to dismantle the U.S. war machine, not just for those abroad & under the boot of US-imperialism, but also for those in our own backyard suffering from union-busting and the pollution of ecosystems like the Duwamish River.
On March 26, in continuing commemoration of the start of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq*, we will gather at the SODO site of the Boeing Corporation, meeting at S. 96th Place and E. Marginal Way near the Museum of Flight, and conduct a short march culminating in a rally at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This action aims to Expose Boeing’s role in the Military Industrial Complex, the climate crisis and environmental pollution. This action aims to build the Resist US Led-War Movement’s ‘UW Cut Ties with Boeing’ campaign ( and bring many other organizations into the anti-war struggle.
Sunday March 26, 1pm Assemble at South 96th Place & E Marginal Way S, Seattle, WA
Initiated by: Resist US-Led War Seattle; Veterans For Peace Greater Seattle, Chapter 92,
*The war U.S. led war on Iraq began in the fall of 1990, after Iraq invaded Kuwait. ‘Desert Shield’ became ‘Desert Storm’, with massive destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure accompanied and followed by genocidal sanctions. The U.S. is now escalating beyond the ‘Desert Shield’ phase of it’s intervention against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Flyer pdf: Resist US-led war and climate destruction! Cut ties with War Profiteers! Resist Boeing1
Last Updated: June 10, 2023 by Editorial Team
August 6: From Hiroshima To Hope
From Hiroshima to Hope is created annually by the non-profit organization, From Hiroshima to Hope, and is supported by local peace, community and faith organizations. The event, held on Green Lake’s northwest shore, has been held every year since 1984.
It is held just south of the Bathhouse, on Green Lake’s northwest shore at West Green Lake Drive North and Stone Ave North, and is free and open to the public. Sponsors include City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and Seattle Parks and Recreation, and local peace, community and faith organizations.
For more information: 206-928-2590.;
Donations are welcome, on-site, or in advance here.
Volunteers are welcomed and needed. To volunteer, complete the 2023 volunteer form here.
Last Updated: May 31, 2023 by Editorial Team
June 10th: Bring Them Home Film
BRING THEM HOME is a short award-winning documentary about discarded American heroes, deported military veterans.
It will be shown at The Grand Cinema in Tacoma on Saturday, June 10, 2023. The doors open at 5pm with the film screening, including a panel discussion and cocktail hour, beginning at 6pm.
After producing the music video for their song “Excuse My Accent,” artists Robert “Rob Young” Walker and Andrei “Drei Ros” Rosca met Hector Barajas; a deported American military veteran. Upon hearing his story, they embark on a journey to shed light on the issue.
In the film, the two connect with experts and travel to Tijuana Mexico gathering first-hand accounts from more deported veterans at “The Bunker”, which is a meeting place for veterans who are currently exiled. This honest documentary highlights the complexity of the problem by following Hector Barajas and other veterans through their journeys and to the founding of The Deported Veterans Support House.
Learn more about the film at
Get tickets at The Grand Cinema
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Marty Kunz
May 10: UW Cut Ties with Boeing
Cut Ties with Boeing!
Don’t let the Board of Regents sell you out”
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Marty Kunz
April 22: VFP92 Seattle Earth Day and “Climate Crisis & US Militarism” Event
April 22, 2023: @ the Seattle Center near the South side of the Fountain, 1-4 pm.
Our Mission:
Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project is part of the world-wide movement to end the climate crisis and promote climate, environmental, racial, and economic justice. Our emphasis focuses on how U.S. militarism, the single largest institutional source of greenhouse gasses on the planet, fuels the climate crisis.
Join Us!
Look for our flag and banner.
Last Updated: March 18, 2023 by Editorial Team
March 26: March and Rally @ Boeing!
March 26: March and Rally @ Boeing!
Resist US-led war and climate destruction! Cut ties with War Profiteers! Resist Boeing’s War Production!
Opposition to war is both an international and a local struggle. Imperialism (a system linking political/military domination and capitalist super-exploitation) is the source of war and oppression in today’s world. The United States is the number one imperialist warmaker and oppressor. The U.S. military is the number one institutional carbon polluter in the world. The war industry is the supply chain and a key beneficiary of all this horror, serving a system in deepening crisis.
Boeing, a leading war industry corporation, is both a local and a global parasite. While it sows death and destruction abroad, it produces pollution, job loss, and corruption in the U.S.. We must fight to dismantle the U.S. war machine, not just for those abroad & under the boot of US-imperialism, but also for those in our own backyard suffering from union-busting and the pollution of ecosystems like the Duwamish River.
On March 26, in continuing commemoration of the start of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq*, we will gather at the SODO site of the Boeing Corporation, meeting at S. 96th Place and E. Marginal Way near the Museum of Flight, and conduct a short march culminating in a rally at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This action aims to Expose Boeing’s role in the Military Industrial Complex, the climate crisis and environmental pollution. This action aims to build the Resist US Led-War Movement’s ‘UW Cut Ties with Boeing’ campaign ( and bring many other organizations into the anti-war struggle.
Sunday March 26, 1pm Assemble at South 96th Place & E Marginal Way S, Seattle, WA
Initiated by: Resist US-Led War Seattle; Veterans For Peace Greater Seattle, Chapter 92,
*The war U.S. led war on Iraq began in the fall of 1990, after Iraq invaded Kuwait. ‘Desert Shield’ became ‘Desert Storm’, with massive destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure accompanied and followed by genocidal sanctions. The U.S. is now escalating beyond the ‘Desert Shield’ phase of it’s intervention against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Flyer pdf: Resist US-led war and climate destruction! Cut ties with War Profiteers! Resist Boeing1
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Editorial Team
Medea Benjamin Book Tour Seattle March 14–New Location!
The Seattle AntiWar Coalition presents MEDEA BENJAMIN co-founder of CODEPINK
Join us for a discussion and book signing by Medea Benjamin for her latest book release, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, cowritten with Nicolas Davies!
“This careful, informed, judicious study is an invaluable guide to understanding Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine, and most crucially, how we can act to help bring this terrible tragedy to an end.” — Noam Chomsky
University Congregational Church, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle. March 14th, 6:30 pm
Co-sponsored by: Veterans For Peace; University Book Store; Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Editorial Team
“Peacemakers Of The Year 2022”
In December 2022, Veterans For Peace, Seattle Chapter 92, was awarded the annual Peacemakers Award for 2022 by the anti-war and environmental
organization, Earth Care Not Warfare.
Earth Care Not Warfare was started 10 years ago by Seattle activists concerned that not enough was being done to stop U.S. wars and climate
change. Forging alliances with both environmental groups and anti-war organizations, Earth Care Not Warfare, of which VFP 92 is part of, raised the
awareness and actions needed to deal with these two existential crisis and how they intersected with one another.
In presenting this award, Beth Brunton, spokesperson for Earth Care Not Warfare, said “we would like to recognize your organization as “2022”
Peacemakers of the year. You have earned this award for all your contributions, including starting the Seattle Anti-War Coalition with First Tuesday protests, consistent presence at community peace and justice marches, and especially this year for your “Waging Peace in Viet Nam conference,
exhibit, and film series. We are grateful to your commitment and service to ending war and creating peace with justice”.
Earth Care Not Warfare awards the “Peacemaker Award” annually to the organization who best demonstrates a commitment to stopping war
and protesting destruction of the environment.
Last Updated: November 30, 2023 by Editorial Team
ML King Jr. March The 40th Seattle ML King March
29 photos
By: Elliot Stoller
Last Updated: January 29, 2023 by Editorial Team
News Advisory: Fourteen (14) San Diego Groups ask the Navy to Cancel The Miramar Air Show
September 12, 2022 (ongoing campaign)
Fourteen (14) San Diego Military, Environmental, Religious and Social Groups ask the Navy to Cancel The Miramar Air Show in September for Environmental Reasons…
Last Updated: November 8, 2022 by Editorial Team
Boeing Day of Action at UW #reclaimarmisticeday
Chapter Name has Changed
Chapter Meeting
VFP92 members meet as a chapter on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9 am via Zoom.
Announcements are sent out via our chapter email list prior to each meeting.
Environmental Costs of War
Seattle Antiwar Coalition:
The Seattle Anti-War Coalition is pausing its monthly protests while we make plans for 2024.
S Climate Action Campaign
Speakers Bureau
Want a veteran to speak at your school, church, or civic organization? Contact us:
Veterans are available to speak about their military experience, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi/Afganistan Wars, about being a veteran, and war in general.
We are available for Veteran's Day assemblies, Memorial Day events, or history classes about the wars since WW II.
Airs 4th Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm
Past shows can be listened to from the KODX website at
You can subscribe with your favorite app at
CALL 1-877-447-4487
GI Bill
Facts & Eligibility